I met up with Michael Murithii, a Third-year student pursuing Mechanical engineering at Technical University of Mombasa. He explains how he almost threw away his future due to drug and substance abuse. Michael was once a strong drug user who used to take Bhang, Alcohol and sometimes Cocaine, he Explains his experience by stating how he first started using drugs as a first-year student when He joined campus.

 “It was in first year, and I wanted to be recognized and considered a cool kid by the other drug users and ‘cool kids’”, he explains.

 He says he joined a group of young men who used to buy Bhang from local drug peddlers. They used to buy a stick for sh.50, which was available making it easier and affordable to them. After a long time of using Bhang which they refer to as Weed, they got too used to it.

When weed was not available they used to go for the strong alcohol and took it in shots. An example of the brand was Chrome, and he explains that they would take bit dry. Meaning they did not dilute it with any other soft drink despite having a very bitter taste. They got used to it though, and the weed so they decided to go for a stronger drug, that is how they were introduced to cocaine.

  “When we first took Cocaine, which we were introduced to by a colleague in campus, it was so strong some of us didn’t like it but after learning how to use it, and got used to the strong effect, we liked it much better than Bhang”, Michael states.

 He adds that the effects of cocaine were by far stronger than those of bhang which were just hallucination and a false feeling of happiness. With cocaine it was different. He says that the addiction was so strong that you preferred stealing money or lying to parents just to acquire it, since it was a bit more expensive than what they used to pay for Bhang.

 “One night however we were from a game and we just started using Cocaine on our way back toour residence when We were stopped by police officers and had to be questioned. They suspected us and hence searched us and found out that we had drugs. We were arrested and taken to police custody.” He speaks.

He adds that this is one major problem that leads to spread of drug abuse since after releasing drug abusers and they do not learn the lesson so they go back to the same problem and when arrested the cycle continues.


Michael narrates how he once had an overdose on drugs and almost died, that was his turning point. He was admitted in hospital for days and when he came out, he had to go to one of the government rehabilitations centers within Mombasa. He however got back to his feet and got back to his studies. He advices the Youth to avoid peer pressure and bad company of friends so as not to get into a situation like his.







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